
CircleCI Kubernetes Release Agent Helm Chart

A Helm chart for installing CircleCI’s Kubernetes release agent.

Version: 1.3.7 Type: application AppVersion: 1.3.7 CircleCI


We generally support the two latest minor versions of Kubernetes, Helm, and Argo Rollouts (optional).


Installing the Agent

Agent Image

Our Kubernetes Release Agent Images are available from CircleCI’s public Docker Hub registry, located here:

The default image for this chart version is: circleci/k8s-release-agent:1.3.7

Agent Integration Token

The required token can be obtained by navigating to the Releases view of the CircleCI web application, clicking on Configure Integrations in the top-right, and then Configure New Integration.

Ensure that the generated token is accessible for the installation process.

Installing via Helm Chart

  1. Add the Helm chart repository:
     helm repo add release-agent
  2. Update your local Helm chart repository cache:
     helm repo update
  3. Install the Helm chart:
     helm upgrade --install cci-release-agent release-agent/circleci-release-agent \
     --set tokenSecret.token=[YOUR_CCI_INTEGRATION_TOKEN] --create-namespace \
     --set "managedNamespaces={namespace1,namespace2}" \
     --namespace circleci-release-agent-system

Important Update for Upgrading Users

We have made a small but significant change in the helm installation command that you need to be aware of. The argument name manageNamespaces has been corrected to managedNamespaces. The corrected command is shown above. Please make sure to use managedNamespaces instead of manageNamespaces when installing or upgrading to the newer versions of the software. If you have any scripts or automation that includes the previous command, they need to be updated to use managedNamespaces.

Updating the Agent

  1. Update your local Helm cache:
     helm repo update
  2. Upgrade to the new version:
     helm upgrade --install cci-release-agent release-agent/circleci-release-agent \
     --set tokenSecret.token=[YOUR_CCI_INTEGRATION_TOKEN] --create-namespace \
     --set "managedNamespaces={namespace1,namespace2}" \
     --namespace circleci-release-agent-system


Key Type Default Description
agentAnnotations object {} Allows setting additional annotations for CircleCI Release Agent deployment
agentLabels object {} Allows setting additional labels for CircleCI Release Agent deployment
agentNamespace string "circleci-release-agent-system" Define the namespace to be used for the CircleCI Release Agent. if the namespace is defined while using helm upgrade or helm install commands then that value is used intead of this.
baseUrl string "" The host of the CircleCI Releases API server
env list [] Define any environment variables to be passed to the agent
fullnameOverride string "" Override the fully qualified app name
helm.driver string "secret" Specifies the Helm storage backend Ref:
helm.timeout string "10m" Specifies the time to wait for Helm operations Ref:
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the CircleCI Release Agent image
image.pullSecrets list [] Optional list of references to image repository secrets in the same namespace (e.g. Docker registry credentials)
image.repository string "circleci/k8s-release-agent" Repository to use for CircleCI Release Agent image
image.tag string "1.3.7" Specify the CircleCI Release Agent version to use
logging.level string "error"  
managedNamespaces list ["default"] Specifies the list of namespaces to be monitored by the CircleCI Release Agent
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the app
podAnnotations object {} Allows setting additional annotations for CircleCI Release Agent pods
podLabels object {} Allows setting additional labels for CircleCI Release Agent pods including command job pods spawned by the release agent
rbac object {"clusterRoles":true,"create":true,"extraPermissions":[],"includeArgoRolloutsPermissions":true} Specifies the RBAC configuration
rbac.clusterRoles bool true Specifies whether to create the RBAC cluster roles. When set to false, RBAC roles will be created for each of the specified namespaces in ``
rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create the RBAC resources
rbac.extraPermissions list [] Extra permissions added to the RBAC configuration (Useful when a component is packaged along with custom resources and the rollback operation requires them to restored atomically, such as when using Helm.)
rbac.includeArgoRolloutsPermissions bool true Enable this if at least one of the components are managed by Argo Rollouts
replicas int 2 Number of instances of CircleCI Release Agent
resources object {} Custom container resources request and limit for the CircleCI Release Agent
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Allows setting additional annotations for the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether to create a service account string "circleci-release-agent" The service account name to be used
tokenSecret.create bool true Specifies whether to create a CircleCI Release Agent token secret
tokenSecret.token string nil Your CircleCI Release Agent token