circleci config process

Validate config and display expanded configuration.


Validate config and display expanded configuration.

circleci config process <path> [flags]


<path>      The path to your config (use "-" for STDIN)


  -h, --help                         help for process
      --org-id string                organization id used when a config depends on private orbs belonging to that org
  -o, --org-slug string              organization slug (for example: github/example-org), used when a config depends on private orbs belonging to that org
      --pipeline-parameters string   YAML/JSON map of pipeline parameters, accepts either YAML/JSON directly or file path (for example: my-params.yml)
      --verbose                      adds verbose output to the command

Flags inherited from parent commands

      --host string         URL to your CircleCI host, also CIRCLECI_CLI_HOST (default "")
      --skip-update-check   Skip the check for updates check run before every command. (default true)
      --token string        your token for using CircleCI, also CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN