circleci local execute

Run a job in a container on the local machine


Run a job in a container on the local machine

circleci local execute <job-name> [flags]


      --branch string                git branch
      --build-agent-version string   The version of the build agent image you want to use. This can be configured by writing in $HOME/.circleci/build_agent_settings.json: '{"LatestSha256":"<version-of-build-agent>"}'
      --checkout-key string          git checkout key (default "~/.ssh/id_rsa")
  -c, --config string                config file (default ".circleci/config.yml")
      --docker-socket-path string    path to the host's docker socket (default "/var/run/docker.sock")
  -e, --env -e VAR=VAL               set environment variables, e.g. -e VAR=VAL
  -h, --help                         help for execute
      --index int                    node index of parallelism
      --node-total int               total number of parallel nodes (default 1)
      --org-id string                organization id, used when a config depends on private orbs belonging to that org
  -o, --org-slug string              organization slug (for example: github/example-org), used when a config depends on private orbs belonging to that org
      --repo-url string              git URL
      --revision string              git revision
      --skip-checkout                use local path as-is (default true)
      --temp-dir string              path to local directory to store temporary config files
  -v, --volume stringArray           volume bind-mounting

Flags inherited from parent commands

      --host string         URL to your CircleCI host, also CIRCLECI_CLI_HOST (default "")
      --skip-update-check   Skip the check for updates check run before every command. (default true)
      --token string        your token for using CircleCI, also CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN