circleci orb process

Validate an orb and print its form after all pre-registration processing


Use $ circleci orb process to resolve an orb and its dependencies, to see how it would be expanded when you publish it to the registry.

This can be helpful for validating an orb and debugging the processed form before publishing.

circleci orb process <path> [flags]


  circleci orb process src/my-orb/@orb.yml


<path>      The path to your orb (use "-" for STDIN)


  -h, --help              help for process
      --org-id string     organization id used when an orb depends on private orbs belonging to that org
      --org-slug string   organization slug (for example: github/example-org), used when an orb depends on private orbs belonging to that org

Flags inherited from parent commands

      --host string         URL to your CircleCI host, also CIRCLECI_CLI_HOST (default "")
      --skip-update-check   Skip the check for updates check run before every command. (default true)
      --token string        your token for using CircleCI, also CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN