circleci policy test

runs policy tests


runs policy tests

circleci policy test [path] [flags]


circleci policy test ./policies/...


      --debug             print test debug context. Sets verbose to true
      --format string     select desired format between json or junit
  -h, --help              help for test
      --owner-id string   the id of the policy's owner
      --run string        select which tests to run based on regular expression
  -v, --verbose           print all tests instead of only failed tests

Flags inherited from parent commands

      --host string              URL to your CircleCI host, also CIRCLECI_CLI_HOST (default "")
      --policy-base-url string   base url for policy api (default "")
      --skip-update-check        Skip the check for updates check run before every command. (default true)
      --token string             your token for using CircleCI, also CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN