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A CircleCI configuration. Instantiate a new config and add CircleCI config elements.


  • Config





commands?: ReusableCommand[]

A command definition defines a sequence of steps as a map to be executed in a job, enabling you to reuse a single command definition across multiple jobs.

executors?: ReusableExecutor[]

Reusable executors to be referenced from jobs.

jobs: Job[] = []

Jobs are collections of steps. All of the steps in the job are executed in a single unit, either within a fresh container or VM.

orbs?: OrbImport[]

A parameter allows custom data to be passed to a pipeline.

pipeline: Pipeline = ...

Access information about the current pipeline.

setup: boolean

Designates the config.yaml for use of CircleCI’s dynamic configuration feature.

version: ConfigVersion = 2.1

The version field is intended to be used in order to issue warnings for deprecation or breaking changes.

workflows: Workflow[] = []

A Workflow is comprised of one or more uniquely named jobs.



  • _prependVersionComment(source: string): string
  • Define a pipeline parameter for the current Config. Chainable


    • name: string

      The name of the parameter

    • type: PipelineParameterLiteral

      The type of parameter

    • Optional defaultValue: unknown

      The default value of the parameter

    • Optional description: string

      A description of the parameter

    • Optional enumValues: string[]

      An array of possible values for parameters of enum type

    Returns Config

  • Parameters

    • Optional flatten: boolean

      Attempt to remove unnecessary parameters when possible.

    Returns CircleCIConfigShape

    the CircleCI config as a JSON string

  • Parameters

    • Optional flatten: boolean

      Attempt to remove unnecessary parameters when possible.

    • Optional options: ToStringOptions

      Modify the YAML output options.

    Returns string

    the CircleCI config as a YAML string

  • writeFile(path?: string): Promise<void>

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