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Type Aliases

All possible Parameter types across CircleCI. Used as an "abstract" type. Use the appropriate ParameterType for your component.

BooleanParameter: boolean

Parameter type for setting boolean conditionals

CustomEnumParameterContentsShape: CustomParameterContentsShape<EnumParameterLiteral> & { enum: string[] }
CustomEnumParameterShape: {}

Type declaration

CustomParameterContentsShape<ParameterTypeLiteral>: { default: unknown; description?: string; type: ParameterTypeLiteral }

Type Parameters

  • ParameterTypeLiteral

Type declaration

  • default: unknown
  • Optional description?: string
  • type: ParameterTypeLiteral
CustomParameterShape<ParameterTypeLiteral>: {}

Type Parameters

  • ParameterTypeLiteral

Type declaration

CustomParametersListShape: Record<string, ParameterShape>
EnumParameter: string[]

Parameter type for a string which is restricted to a known list

EnvironmentParameter: Record<string, string>

Parameter type for a map of environment variables. Can only be set on non-parameterizable jobs.

EnvironmentVariableNameParameter: string

Parameter type for a string that must match a POSIX_NAME regexp (for example, there can be no spaces or special characters).

ExecutorParameter: Executor

Parameter type for Executors. Available for Parameterizable jobs.

FilterParameter: { branches?: { ignore?: ListParameter; only?: ListParameter }; tags?: { ignore?: ListParameter; only?: ListParameter } }

Type declaration

  • Optional branches?: { ignore?: ListParameter; only?: ListParameter }

    A map defining rules for execution on specific branches

    • Optional ignore?: ListParameter

      Either a single branch specifier, or a list of branch specifiers

    • Optional only?: ListParameter

      Either a single branch specifier, or a list of branch specifiers

  • Optional tags?: { ignore?: ListParameter; only?: ListParameter }

    A map defining rules for execution on specific tags

    • Optional ignore?: ListParameter

      Either a single tag specifier, or a list of tag specifiers

    • Optional only?: ListParameter

      Either a single tag specifier, or a list of tag specifiers

IntegerParameter: number

Parameter type for numerical data

ListParameter: string[]

Parameter type for a string array. Utilized by multiple CircleCI built-in components. Can not be used by custom components.

MatrixParameter: Record<string, ListParameter>
StepsParameter: Command[]

Parameter type for steps, a list of steps that may be passed to a job or command.

StringParameter: string

Parameter type for basic strings

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