  • Public
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Parameterized jobs are a type of Job which defines the parameters it can accept. This is the reusable alternative to the Job class, since parameters allow for more control and recyclability to the workflow.


  • Job
    • ParameterizedJob





environment?: EnvironmentParameter

A map of environment variable names and values.

executor: AnyExecutor

The reusable executor to use for this job. The Executor must have already been instantiated and added to the config.

name: string

The name of the current Job.

parallelism: undefined | number

Number of parallel instances of this job to run (defaults to 1 if undefined)

The list of parameters this job can accept.

shell?: string

Shell to use for execution command in all steps.

steps: Command[]

A list of Commands to execute within the job in the order which they were added.

working_directory?: string

In which directory to run the steps. Will be interpreted as an absolute path.



  • Define another parameter that this job will be able to accept. Chainable.


    • name: string

      The name of the parameter.

    • type: AnyParameterLiteral

      The type of parameter being added to this job.

    • Optional defaultValue: unknown

      The default value of the parameter.

    • Optional description: string

      The description of the parameter.

    • Optional enumValues: string[]

      The list of possible values for the parameter. type must be set to 'enum'.

    Returns ParameterizedJob

    this instance.

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